Thursday, October 28, 2010

Life post-Seattle

The past month has flown by, I think that’s how I should start every blog...anyway. Seattle was a blast. It was a great mix of learning/being challenged and hanging out. The bootcamp was definitely a great experience and really challenged me in how I’m going about pursuing not only my future calling but also the roles I currently fill. I was really convicted about not viewing my current role as an assistant as a stepping stone to something bigger but rather serving faithfully where the Lord has lead. It was eye opening to see how the church will rise and fall with its men and if men aren’t living the gospel then the church has no hope for success.

It’s interesting how as I sit to write this I can’t think of anything that interesting that’s happened in the last month, but during that month I felt that I didn’t have the time to sit and write this. I guess what I’m getting at is that life in Columbus is pretty busy for the most part. Everything at the church is going incredibly well. This Sunday will be our first with two services, which is really exciting and a little stressful. It’s funny that when I was interning at Veritas we had this dream of two services...two months later and 100 more people and here we are. It’s incredible to see all of this in the scope of God’s faithfulness. It’s incredible that so many people are coming each week to hear his gospel preached. It’s humbling to be part of it.

I would be dishonest if I said that our growth has come without some benefit to me. What I mean by this is that I finally have an actual wood(ish) desk in a shared office (for the last two months my desk and office have been a plastic table in the corner of Nick’s office). I also have a snazzy fake leather chair. I’m a pretty big deal. That’s a joke. I’m told my tone doesn’t translate through blogs...

Again, I just want to thank all of you who are supporting us in one way or another. It’s really encouraging for Jessica and myself to have people come behind us and what the Lord is doing in Columbus.

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